Fine Art Walking Sticks

Sei Do Kai
44 Inkerman St.
Guelph Ontario
Canada N1H 3C5

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Fine art walking sticks

Who says you shouldn't have fun while making a statement, and who says that fine art isn't practical. Here are some "art" sticks that have entirely practical uses.

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Here's a cane designed for self defence against a dog. If attacked you will simply reverse your cane, and as the mutt is chewing on the handle, you go on your way. The tapered shaft is of hickory, which is a good stout wood should you need to resort to more drastic measures than feeding fido.
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For those who don't hold with using animal products or byproducts, here is a version of the dog-defence stick in plastic. The tapered shaft is purpleheart and hickory.
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This cane is for exercising. You set the timer for half of the time you wish to walk, and off you go. When the bell chimes you turn around and go home. The cane is also quite useful for when you meet those talkative neighbours who interfere with the exercise. In that case all you need do is twist the top, let it ring and excuse yourself to "go answer your cellphone". The tapered shaft is of purpleheart and hickory, which are good stout woods should you need to resort to more drastic measures.
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Gamblers always eventually run out of luck. This walking-stick prevents that by allowing you to keep a store of good vibrations in the giant die. The shaft is 3/4 inch mahogany.
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This stick is necessary if you wish to get rich gambling rather than simply break even while having fun. The shaft is 3/4 inch maple.
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For those who used the line "I'll give you a nice neck rub" in college, here is the essential walking stick for when she says "not with those hands you don't". If you are still batting zero after that exchange you can always use it on your own back. That tapered shaft looks like purpleheart.
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An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Especially if you pick it up and take it for a walk. Note the slot in the top of the apple, this is where you put the mail after having fetched it at the end of the driveway so that you can enjoy the walk back to your front door without having your hands full. Another tapered purpleheart shaft.
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This is the most expensive walking stick I've ever made. The shaft is 3/4 inch cherry but the grip is a solenoid valve out of a Varian Gas Chromatograph. It cost $600 to replace when a grad student ran samples containing phosphoric acid through the machine. 

"It's not exactly full of beautiful models in undies but you might find something you want."

Items from this catalog are sold to support the University of Guelph Sei Do Kai. The Sei Do Kai provides training in Iaido, Kendo, Niten Ichi-ryu Kenjutsu and Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo through classes, seminars and camps.

Orders by email please

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Page last modified Aug 22, 2002 by Kim Taylor